We are excited to welcome skateboarder Dylan Jaeb as the newest member of the Nixon team. Dylan has taken the skateboarding world by storm from a very young age and most recently shocked the industry with his latest video part in Primitive’s “Daydream” film.
In celebration of bringing him onto the program, we sat down with Dylan to hear more about where he’s from, why he chose skateboarding over surfing, his upcoming video projects, and much more.

Interview with Nixon Team Rider Dylan Jaeb
Let’s start with the basics. What’s your name, how old are you and where are you from?
My Name is Dylan, I'm 20 years old, and I grew up on Kauai.
Growing up in Kauai, people usually would assume you would gravitate to surfing. What drew you to skateboarding and what’s the skate scene out there like?
Yeah for sure, it would definitely make more sense to be a surfer out there. To be honest, surfing was way more scary. I would get pushed into waves when I was a kid and would be terrified. I like how mellow and slow paced skateboarding was/could be. Think that's part of the reason I still enjoy skating flatground so much.
You really made a name for yourself on social media and currently have two Instagram profiles, @dylanjaeb and @notdylanjaeb. What’s the difference between the two profiles and do you ever pre-plan content for them or is it more of a spur of the moment decision?
Haha, the two Instagram thing was not really on purpose. I made the second one in high school with the purpose of posting whatever, it felt like my main account was too serious and I wanted somewhere to post things that weren't. Since I was posting way more often on there it started getting seen more and now it does better than my main account sometimes.

You recently dropped quite the video part in Primitive skateboard’s latest film, “Daydream”. What was it like filming for that and what are you working on next?
Thank you. I had a lot of fun filming for that one. We did a couple trips for it, but a lot of it was just skating SD with my friends or going to LA to film with the primitive filmers (Alan, Alex, and Eric). I've been working on this part for the Dickies video for the last 2 years so I'm glad that I was able to have a part in Daydream because it was a little tough trying to balance the two. But yeah, Dickies Honeymoon hopefully soon.
If there was a dream skate trip you could go on, where would it be to and who you are taking with you?
Dream skate trip would probably be to just go and stay somewhere for a month or so and just have enough time to see the spots and go back for tricks a couple times. For me, the hardest part about trips is feeling like I need to get tricks so the trip was worth it. So I end up doing stuff that is pretty boring or expected. I'd like to go to Paris for a month or something with some of my friends from San Diego and try to film some stuff that looks different.
You are officially the newest member of the Nixon team. How did you view the brand growing up and is there something that stands out to you about Nixon?
True! Definitely saw Nixon a ton growing up in Hawaii. I remember it was like the coolest thing in school to have that watch that showed the surf. Something that stands out about the brand is the attention to detail and storytelling. I like the ads and how they aren't always action based and shine more light on the person doing normal stuff. Gives the brand a more human feel. Excited to be a part of it.
Lastly, what’s your go-to watch at the moment?
I've been liking the "Mullet" watch a lot. Not sure that I have a go-to yet though. Will keep you posted.